Get Lit Like Nike: Just Do It  

I finally did IT. The “It” that I have been talking myself out of for years.  The “It” that has kept me up at night, led me to spend countless hours cowering in my living room comforted by marathons of Vampire Diaries (do NOT, I repeat DO NOT judge me. Vampire Diaries is pure cinematic genius and deserves all kinds of accolades. After all, there were eight seasons AND a spin off series…. So There! ) all in the name of keeping me in my safe space, also known as my comfort zone. No, I didn’t do the nasty. Gosh, you all are immature. The “It” to which I am referring is the launch of The Pretty Professional’s Guide. I am going to take a moment bask in the joy of how anti-climatic that was. HA! (Of course you know this because you’re reading it! Now go like, share, and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Please and thank you!) *shameless plug inserted*

Contrary to popular belief, this is a BIG deal to me. After years of great hesitation, I am finally venturing outside my Swagged Out Corporate America Lane and giving more than a single flying flip about something that matters to me. My hope is for it to matter someday or – at the very least – be helpful to you.

Don’t get brand new over my sentiment; like Maury, I am 99% sure that you ARE in a similar predicament. There is probably some brilliant idea that you have been sitting on since the debut of the Snuggie (oh how I LOATHE the Snuggie. It is nothing more than a backwards robe) that will not only make you a Baller, Shot Caller, but also help improve or enhance someone’s life. Translate that to a new tax bracket for you and a nuisance to the people in your life who will not get your would-be “momma I made it” new phone number (everybody can’t come with you to the top – remember that).

What is it?! I, for one, possess a childlike curiosity and am dying to know. Most importantly, if you have no intent to monetize it due to laziness, GIVE IT TO ME, and I will cut you a check once I prove it to be profitable. I’m just saying… (Shhhooottt, there’s no reason both of us should block this blessing). The bigger question, what is holding you back? Is it the fear of failure or the fear of starting?

There were so many times when I have placed my personal goals on the back burner because I was afraid of the imaginary hurdle somewhere along my never-attempted race. Excuse me, but how in the h-e- double hockey sticks (I am trying to stop cursing in this year. You should get like me.) did I even know a hurdle existed? Someone please tell me when did I become physic? It could not have been recently because I did not have the lottery numbers when the Mega Millions reached a billion-dollar jackpot. (What makes it worse is that I should have. The numbers were my freaking birthday! MY BIRTHDAY! All of them! The day I drew breath on this Earth. AHHHH!!! ) The point is, I do not know what challenges I would have faced because I did not try. So how could I be afraid? Guess what? You don’t know either.

Having said all of that I would strongly encourage you to get up… Get out… Get something! Don’t let the days of your life pass by. How can you worry if you never even try? (Don’t be impressed, I didn’t think this up. It’s the lyrics to an Outkast song. However, I did remix the last part. #Bars)

The moral of the story is don’t allow fear of your capabilities, drive, or success keep you from trying. Go be great. In the event you do decide not to be great due to fear, don’t be selfish. Share your idea(s), so someone else (preferably me) can come up. 😉


About Jess the Pretty Profesh

A self proclaimed "Professionista" hailing from the not so mean streets of Atlanta. Hoping to provide insight and flare to all that is professional development.

Page with Comments

    1. Thank you Dr. D! Your support and encouraging words are what makes writing meaningful.

  1. Congrats!!! I love this post. You really have me thinking about what I blessings I might be blocking because of fear. Thank you for modeling courage for all of us!

    1. Thank you so much lovie! Please don’t limit yourself; there is literally no limit to your capabilities.

  2. Your birthday! Are you kidding me! Jessica!!!! ALWAYS PLAY YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!! Loved this. I have a plethora of businesses and ideas swirling my brain…haven’t transacted on a single one. You’ve inspired me to atleast take step one- make a plan. Good read. And kudos to you. Loving the PPG!

    1. Yes! I am still in disbelief that I set myself up for that disappointment; It is a lesson I will take with me forever. Seriously, don’t sit on your ideas! Explore every opportunity and allow it to be fruitful.

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